Category: Uncategorized

  • Do you want to be a Diver Propulsion Vehicle Diver?

    Do you want to be a Diver Propulsion Vehicle Diver?

    Becoming a diver propulsion vehicle diver is easier than you think. It can look too technical, even intimidating. But it is more fun and effortless than finning. A Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) , commonly known as an underwater scooter, is a motorized device designed to help divers glide effortlessly through the water. Powered by a…

  • BWRAF is the PADI way to begin your dive

    BWRAF is the PADI way to begin your dive

    Every dive should begin with BWRAF. Whether on a chaotic boat before the back roll or in a calm dive resort on a shore entry. You must do your BWRAF whatever situation, whomever you are buddied up with, wherever you are before dropping down to when it is impossible to do the bwraf. Don’t feel…

  • Open Water Certification: The Ultimate Upgrade from Discover Scuba Diving

    Someone once remarked that Discover Scuba Diving feels safer than getting certified because you’re always under the close supervision of an instructor. They described it as reassuring, with the instructor holding and guiding you throughout the dive, making it feel more like a thrilling yet controlled ride. I didn’t know how to respond—I was speechless…